Friday, January 31, 2020

The Development of Illusion and Reality in Tithe Essay Example for Free

The Development of Illusion and Reality in Tithe Essay Opponents have historically overlooked the primary reasons for it’s against to plastic surgery. It promotes a continuing descent into all things vain. Rather than accepting their perceived flaws, growing, and developing character, they take a chance going under the knife. Plastic surgery rarely produces the desired results and creates unhealthier obsession with things that would be relatively trivial in a mentally healthy person with proper priorities and emotional disorders. Even if, by some miracle, someone is completely happy with their surgery, it only serves to perpetuate the cycle; for themselves and for others. The obsession doesnt go away in these people. Their thinking inevitably moves on to having more things done. The plastic surgery craze is insidious because it targets those who are obsessed with their outer appearance, not whats important. Furthermore, the demand for cosmetic plastic surgery increases despite the increasing cost, in contrast to other traditional goods for which demand typically declines as price increases. Cosmetic plastic surgery has moved beyond the stage of being an exclusive privilege of the rich and famous. Nevertheless, cosmetic plastic surgery is one of the medical specialties exposed to a substantially high risk of malpractice claims. Most malpractice claims in cosmetic plastic surgery are not consequences of technical faults but because of inadequate patient selection criteria and lack of adequate communication between patient and surgeon. Proven efficient training, careful utilization of computer imaging techniques in association with the adoption of simple precautions and guidelines and adequate communication along with a completed patients consent form are important essentials in case of medical litigation. .Mental and emotional stability are increasingly taking a backseat to physical appearance. People just dont realize what theyre doing to themselves because they have never really valued anything other than physical appearance in the first place. The fact that these things arent obvious to more people truly shows where our culture is heading. Just think about this question: Is the freedom to do whatever we want with our lives a valuable passport even to overpass the limits of morals and ethics. People generally arent against plastic surgery. Theyre against people who look perfectly fine getting their face cut up because they want to look like their favorite celebrity. Opposition A new survey shows that more than half (51%) of all Americans regardless of income approve of cosmetic plastic surgery, this is a 3% increase from 2009. According to the February 2011 report, 52% of respondents with an income of under $25K approve of cosmetic surgery (48% of respondents with an income between $25K-$50K approve, 45% of respondents with an income between $50K-$75K approve, and 56% of respondents with an income above $75K approve) and 29% of the respondents who earn under $25K would consider cosmetic surgery for themselves. â€Å"As the numbers suggest people in every income bracket, single or married, male or female, view plastic surgery as a reasonable option today,† said Felmont F. Eaves III, MD, President of The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS). â€Å"Taking care of yourself and paying attention to physical appearance is increasingly important to everyone. As both traditional surgical procedures have been improved and refined, and new nonsurgical options have become available, aesthetic plastic surgeons have more to offer to our patients. † Other key findings of the study include:53% of women and 49% of men say they approve of cosmetic surgery. 67% of Americans would not be embarrassed if their friends and family knew they had cosmetic surgery. 27% of married Americans and 33% of unmarried Americans would consider cosmetic surgery for themselves, now or in the future. 67% of white Americans and 72% of non-white Americans say they would not be embarrassed about having cosmetic surgery. Most Americans (71%) said their attitude toward cosmetic surgery had not changed in the last five years, though 20% said it was ‘more favorable. ‘Out of all age groups, men and women between the ages of 18 and 24 are the most likely to consider plastic surgery for themselves now or in the future (37%). 77% of Americans 65 or older say they would not be embarrassed abouthaving cosmetic surgery. The study was commissioned by the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) and conducted by the independent research firm innovate. According to 2010 ASAPS Cosmetic Surgery Statistics, almost 9. 5 million cosmetic surgical and nonsurgical procedures were performed in the United States last year. Women had nearly 8. 6 million cosmetic procedures (92 percent of total) and men had more than 750,000 procedures (8 percent of total). Overall, the number of surgical procedures increased by almost 9 percent and nonsurgical cosmetic procedures decreased 9 percent from 2010 to access the complete 2010 ASAPS Statistics. A 2004 study published in the official medical journal of the ASPS, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery found that deaths occurring at office-based surgery facilities are rareless than 1/4 percent. More than 400,000 operative procedures in accredited office-based outpatient surgery centers were studied from 2000-2002. Serious complications were infrequent, occurring 1 in 298 cases or 0. 34 percent with death occurring 1 in 51,459 cases or 0. 0019 percent, which is comparable to the overall risk of such procedures performed in hospital surgery facilities, this publication makes me think about my life or my beauty Well, someone has to defend cosmetic plastic surgery, says Rachel Weisz, Hollywood beauty. There are several reasons why she is in approve of cosmetic plastic surgery, that extend beyond her own vested interest of making a living. She also asks,† Where do you draw the line between acceptable vanity and unacceptable vanity? You shower, bathe and get regular haircuts. You color your hair to be lighter, darker, more dramatic, or to hide the grays. You spend large amounts of money on skin care products and eye creams. You wear cosmetics, buy and wear flattering clothing , pay a fortune for your kids to have straight teeth . Why are these things acceptable but cosmetic surgery, which actually works, is not? Do you know that the entire skin care industry is lying to you? Over-the-counter skin care products don’t work. At best, they don’t work that well. Regardless of how expensive they are, your face will still sag and wrinkle. Women spend an average of $24,000 over their lifetimes fighting wrinkles, and yet, the wrinkles keep coming. † She basically want to covey that she is in approve of cosmetic surgery because is cheaper than using creams or products, she believe in vanity, plus being perfect is the main character in her life. Refutation I have fact about how cans harmful cosmetic surgeries are. October, 2000. A new study suggests that a few patients who seek facial plastic surgery have a personality disorder. Surgery may benefit some of these patients, but others remain discontented and may seek legal recourse from their surgeon. A persons self-image plays a key role in the development of personality. Young men and women with a subjective negative impression of their self-image develop defense mechanisms to cope with low esteem. Later in life, they may request cosmetic surgery to normalize a perceived abnormal appearance. These patients may, in fact, not need cosmetic surgery to address patterns of behavior found in certain personality types. Following surgery, conflict may arise between patient and surgeon. The researchers contend that facial plastic surgeons may encounter this problem. Their study attempts to describe the personality disorders of patients seeking facial plastic surgery to allow the specialist to make an informed decision to treat, or not to treat. The research was carried out by a team led by Henri Gaboriau MD, from the Department of OtolaryngologyHead and Neck Surgery, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA, and H. Devon Graham III MD, from the Alton Ochsner Medical Foundation, New Orleans, LA. The findings were presented on April 28,1999 at a meeting of the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. The Bible does not specifically address a Christian having plastic surgery or cosmetic surgery. There is nothing in the Bible to indicate that plastic surgery is, in and of itself, wrong. However, there are several things that one needs to consider before deciding whether or not to undergo these procedures. Altering ones body is unnatural, and there are always risks of potential side effects, both physical and psychological. No one should allow himself to be put â€Å"under the knife† without first thoroughly researching all alternatives, risks, and side effects involved with the surgery. A person also needs to fully identify his or her motivation for desiring the surgery. For many with physical deformities; whether genetic or acquired, it is natural to want to fit into society and feel â€Å"normal. † There are also cases of slight abnormalities that would cause someone to feel very uncomfortable with himself, such as a very large or misshapen nose. But many, if not most, plastic surgeries are attempts to meet emotional voids in physical ways, to attract attention, or to seek approval from others. The most important thing to do before making the decision to undergo plastic surgery would be to consult God about the issue. The Bible tells us that God cares about every worry and concern that we have, so we should take our problems to Him (1 Peter 5:7). Through the wisdom and guidance of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God, we have the ability to make decisions that will please and honor Him. â€Å"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised† (Proverbs 31:30). Even the most skilled surgeon cannot hold back the hands of time, and all cosmetic surgeries will eventually have the same result—aging. Those lifted body parts will sag again, and those cosmetically altered facial features will eventually wrinkle. It is far better to work on beautifying the person underneath, â€Å"that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in Gods sight† (1 Peter 3:4). Conclusion I am against plastic surgery because it is generally unnecessary surgery which comes with very serious risks. Our society places great importance in appearance, which leads to unrealistic standards that young girls and women. Plastic surgery only strengthens these insane standards and weakens the self-esteem of girls and women who do not feel as though they measure up. Learn to love the body you have. And more people want surgery, but we are not becoming uglier as a race, we are just adjusting our notion of what is beautiful and what is not. All of us are the product of billions of years of evolution and sexual selection; we are the direct descendants of 100s of millions of others who have been found sexually attractive by someone else, we cant be that ugly. As wonderful as this piece of modern medical technology may sound, cosmetic surgery is not all that advantageous and in most of all cases, it is not needed. There is no point in transforming a healthy body. That is why the idea of the perfect body image has to be forgotten, and it has to be recognized that everyone is a special human being. Sources Laurie J. Fundukian, Richard H. Camer Blepharoplasty. . The Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine. Ed.. 4th ed. Detroit: Gale, 2011. 6 vols. Print Kimberly,HenryA. ,andPennyHeckaman. â€Å"The-Plastic-Surgery-Sourcebook† Lincolnwood: NTC/ Contemporary Publishing, 1999. Print Liz Jones †If face creams really beat ageing, I wouldnt have had a facelift† 25 July 2011http://www. dailymail. co. uk. Newswire Association LLC â€Å"Plastic Surgery Complications and Deaths are Rare, Despite Highly Publicized Death of Donda West† US Newswire. Nov. 14, 2007 pNA. http://www. plasticsurgery. org National Review â€Å"Survey Shows That More Than Half of Americans Approve of Cosmetic Plastic Surgery† New York, NY ,April 4, 2011 www. surgery. org http://www. washingtonpost. com/wp-dyn/articles/A63931-2004Oct26. html http://www. prweb. com/releases/2013/3/prweb10557201. htm http://www. deseretnews. com/article/865575486/Teens-turn-to-plastic-surgery-experts-tackle-the-when-and-why. html? pg=all.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Sythetic Weed Essay -- Drugs, Teenagers

Synthetic weed This is the best stuff ever you have to try it! This is what some kids would say to one another. They are talking about this drug named K2. It is becoming a trend in most teenagers. Teenagers are being admitted to the hospital more often now. They have found something that is legal and can buy around there home town or over the internet. Parents have never heard of this stuff before. It is scary to think that you cannot even tell if a child is taking K2 because there is no drug test to tell you. I think that K2 is worse than the real marijuana. There are symptoms that do come along with taking this drug as well as long term symptoms. Some people may feel that K2 is not as bad as marijuana. But here are the facts on marijuana. The most illegal drug in America is pot. Not always and not in everyone will pot effect people. When taken pot can trigger a mild euphoria and increased sensitivity to body sensations. Some people experience perceptual distortions and they are usually pleasant. The effects of pot usually climax within an hour or two and then tend to fade all at once in three to four hours. Pot isn’t a single molecule that is a drug like alcohol or cocaine. There is a mixture of about 400 different chemical elements. There are about 85 cannabinoids that are unique to pot. The main cannabinoid is THC that is the main chemical in marijuana that triggers the drugs actions and effects on the body. (A) Some people who smoke their brains have more receptors to the THC than other people and that will affect the experience the users will have with THC to get the high. (b) THC is the chemical that is like a bomb when it goes off but it makes you feel good, it breaks up into about 80 separate by... K2 is but K2 is the worst of the two. Even though marijuana has more chemicals and the high lasts long than K2, K2 has more symptoms that are more dangers. Such as the heart beating fast more than a minute like marijuana. Also K2 you are vomiting and kids are being taken to the hospital more often now. K2 also has the keys that lock into the receptors better than marijuana and that way you can get a better high. THC is weaker than the chemicals used in K2 also. All of this information shows that it is bad for you. Anything you put in your body that is a chemical has side effects and should be used with caution. The one thing that I wish they would do to stop kids from getting admitted to the hospitals is to inform the kids what they are getting themselves into. Kids think it is good because it is legal but they are not being informed on the dangers.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Law Like love Essay

Different opinions are an aspect of life that is widespread throughout the world. In â€Å"Law like Love†, W. H. Auden intends for the reader to understand that the nature of a person’s perspective is dependent on one’s surroundings, because each person has their own view of the world, causing the formation of many different ideas and inadvertently representing a freedom of speech. Determined by physical and mental environment, an individual’s viewpoint will vary accordingly. For example, in â€Å"Law like Love† Auden writes that a carefree, out-of-doors gardener will see Law as the sun. The sun is something that is a constant component in a gardener’s life. Creating a set of rules and procedures, the sun controls plant growth and work periods, thus unintentionally asserting its power into a gardener’s life. To light- hearted, joyful children, â€Å"Law is the senses of the young†. They do not pay much attention to the responsibilities and rules of society, living in a totally different world from older adults. Acting only when their senses tell them it is justified, children live in a world of innocence. Priests, people who spend their time in church believe that â€Å"Law is the words in my [their] priestly book†. They believe that divine intervention is integrated into every person’s life; and since rules and policies had been inscribe into their â€Å"book†, everything that â€Å"book† discloses is truth, or in other words, Law. Influenced by an individual’s surroundings, the many different perspectives people experience create a multitude of diverse ideas. Ideas are born from the imaginations of people. When each person has their own views on life and how it works, then different ideas will be conceived in each mind, therefore creating countless unlike beliefs and opinions. W. H. Auden’s poem, â€Å"Law like Love† reveals the opinions of many different people on what Law actually is. The gardener believes it is like the sun, the scholars say Law is only composed of crimes, grandfather’s say it is the wisdom of the old, while judges insist that Law is only the Law. Each of these individual’s live their own lives and have different morals and principles, therefore creating different opinions. Examples of political ideas being formed are â€Å"Law is our State† and â€Å"Always the loud angry crowd, Very angry and very loud, Law is We†. This shows that even if there is a  current government who is creating and enforcing the Law, there will always be others who believe they can do better, hence the creation of political parties, all with different political ideologies. In addition to producing ideas, various perceptions and standpoints also help to promote freedom of opinion and speech. Freedom to express your feelings and opinions is a privilege many individuals possess. â€Å"Although I can at least confine, Your vanity and mine, To stating timidly†¦ Like love I say.† demonstrated that W.H Auden believed that Law was like love. He had the liberty to voice his opinions to others without fear of punishment or retribution. The other theories- â€Å"Law is our Fate†, â€Å"Law is our State†, â€Å"Law is We†, â€Å"Law is the clothes men wear†- all indicate ideas Auden had to right to share. Therefore, the sharing of different perspectives on any issue is a freedom that is constantly being promoted. In â€Å"Law like love†, the author intended for the reader to discover that ones perspective is directly influenced by one’s surroundings and environment, and can change constantly, creating many ideas and encouraging the sharing of these ideas. An important feature of life, there will always be conflicting points of views on any matter.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

The Issue Of Gender Income Inequality - 1060 Words

Executive Summary This report is going to examine the issue of gender income inequality in terms of age. Gender income inequality can be described as the unequal treatment between men and women in terms of revenue, and has been an issue for women for a long period of time. According to Workplace Gender Equality Agency, the average gender pay gap between full-time men and women increases in accordance to age, when the gap begins to narrow due to reduced income in retirement. This report will explain the main issue of gender income inequality in terms of age, the outcomes, and the solutions for income inequality. 1. Issue Discussion There are a large number of issues concerning income gender inequality in regards to age that are occurring in Australia within the past few years. Corresponding to the information by Australian Bureau of Statistics (Cited in Workplace Gender Equality Agency, 2015,p.3), the gender pay gap difference between both genders in Australia is currently 18.8% and has been static between 15% and 19% for the past two decades. There are several causes that could impacts on income gender inequality which includes: 1.1 Ability to work One of the issues affecting the gender income inequality is the lacking ability of different workers in various ages to perform certain task. The ability to work could be crucial due to its relevance to younger employee may not have enough knowledge and experience as compared to the middle aged employees. For instance, youthShow MoreRelatedGender Inequality : An Ongoing Issue That Occurs Everywhere1420 Words   |  6 Pages Gender inequality is an ongoing issue that occurs everywhere. 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